2月10日リリース予定のライブEP”Live with THE STRINGS”より2ndシングルをリリース☆
Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Musicなどでぜひチェックして下さい♪
1stアルバムより”Sarushima Heartbeat_猿島の心臓”を総勢14人のストリングスと共演。この曲では戦争という決して忘れてはならない人類の愚かで悲しい事実が偉大な自然によって浄化されていく様子を表現しています。

Piano & electronics: ミムラシンゴ
1st Violin: 三嶋 七沙、安藤 歌那、瀬尾 智美、安田 つぐみ、寺川 蒼
2nd Violin: 清家 千捺、増田 紗英、中村 春菜、上月 沙織
Viola: 佐野 美菜子、春田 真理子、野村 香奈里
Cello: 森 左介
Contrabass: 山本 萌美
Recorded at Uhara Hall in Kobe, Japan
Engineered, mixed & mastered by Shingo Mimura
Cover photo by Saori Tsutsumi
Cover art designed by Shingo Mimura
主催:NPO 法人 神戸楽友協会
後援:神戸市 神戸市教育委員会 公益財団法人 神戸市民文化振興財団
“Sarushima Heartbeat – Live” is available on Spotify, Apple Music, amazon music, or any streaming platform from the link.
This is the 1st single from the EP “Live with THE STRINGS” to be released on Feb 10.
It is a magnificent and cinematic post-classical work with piano and 14 members of the string ensemble.
The work expresses how war, a foolish and sad fact never to be forgotten, is purified by great nature.
Sarushima Island has located in Tokyo Bay.
There are many ruins used by the former Japanese army during WWII still exist.
These remains seem to be gently enveloped and healed by the great nature, but at the same time, they are the afterimage of sadness of the past that must never forget.
Piano & electronics: Shingo Mimura
1st Violin: Nasa Mishima, Kana Ando, Satomi Seo, Tsugumi Yasuda, Aoi Terakawa
2nd Violin: Chinatsu Seike, Sae Masuda, Haruna Nakamura, Saori Kouzuki
Viola: Minako Sano, Mariko Haruta, Kanari Nomura
Cello: Sasuke Mori
Contrabass: Megumi Yamamoto
Recorded at Uhara Hall in Kobe, Japan
Engineered, mixed & mastered by Shingo Mimura
Cover photo by Saori Tsutsumi
Cover art designed by Shingo Mimura